Welcome to BeerFrisbee.com, the unofficial site for everything you need to know about the greatest drinking game on earth!
On this site you will find everything from the rules of the game to BeerFrisbee.com merchandise. Developing this site was a grueling process full of intense research and competitive game play. But we know that it was all worth it, and that is why we are willing to sacrifice ourselves and our livers. Feel free to explore the site, and let us know what you think via the BeerFrisbee.com Blog. ENJOY!
To get started playing, you'll need to round up two poles, a frisbee, two empty beer bottles, and four people. Each person should also be holding one open beer at all times. Optional accessories include BeerFrisbee.com koozies, frisbees, and bottle openers. Visit The Official French Darts/Beer Frisbee Site now to get yours.
Although BeerFrisbee.com products have the ability to make you look like a pro, they will not, in any way, improve your Beer Frisbee skill level. Shop Now